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Melton Mustafa Jr. is a three time Grammy Nominated Educator who was recently featured at The Jazz In The Gardens Festival in Miami. Mustafa is also the son of International Jazz trumpeter and composer Melton S. Mustafa.

Melton was born in Atlanta, GA. and raised in Miami, Fl. where he started playing music in high school under the direction of Mr. Frank Neal at Miami Carol City HS. As a director, Mustafa has conducted the “Star Spangled Banner” for the J.r Olympics, directed a show for the Super Bowl entitled “Global Rhythms Local Beat”, served as the Musical Director for the Show “From the Porch” featuring Danny Glover, directed the band and choreographed the featured Marching in Master “P” and Little Romeo’s music video, “Two Way”(which was featured on the BET TV Show Access Granted- the making of the video).

Lobby Entertainment by the Sebring High School Jazz Band at 2:00 p.m.

Performance at the intimate 250 seat University Center Auditorium on the HIghlands campus of South Florida State College.

Tickets: $30

Free jazz admission to students with a valid ID.

Save $25 when you subscribe! All 4 shows only $100 and no processing fees!

Groups of 12 or more, save 50%





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