A fundraising event for local nonprofit organizations.

Sponsored by Bill and Lisa Jarrett and Get Fish Slapped
at the Alan Jay Wildstein Center for the Performing Arts!

Sharing the experience of the arts is an exciting way for SFSC Performing Arts to help local non-profits raise much-needed funds. South Florida State College is giving back to our community by granting a limited number of nonprofit organizations in Highlands, Hardee and DeSoto counties to participate in Play Your Part!

Guided by the institutional values of SFSC and through the financial support of the Jarrett Family Foundation, Play Your Part! is a special community event for families where selected nonprofits can earn 100% of ticket revenues to a live professional performance.

Any Highlands, Hardee or DeSoto county nonprofit can apply to participate in this fundraising event produced by SFSC Performing Arts. Get your nonprofit application here:

SFSC Performing Arts_Play Your Part Application

Or email your inquiry to culturalperformances@southflorida.edu to receive an application.

Wild World of Animals

Sunday – November 5 @ 3:00 p.m.


Direct from Jack Hanna’s Adventures, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Kelly and Ryan, Good Morning, America and more! Wild World of Animals is an exploration into the fascinating world of the wildlife we share with the planet; featuring live animals including some of the most majestic, interesting, bizarre, and critically endangered species in the world. The fantastic animal lineup encompassing arthropods, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals are the real rock stars of Wild World of Animals. Grant Kemmerer brings about 16 guests to each show ranging from leopard, monkey, wolf, and badger to the critically endangered red ruffed lemur.